Well. Here we are, 2 years on from the break. I am still in China, and my leg is becoming less of an issue every day now. I have started walking up the stairs at work rather than using the lift, as much to lose weight as to improve my leg. Read more…
Well, it was 12 months ago today that I had my little incident. How things have changed. Read more…
As a further update, I have been mooching about without the aid of my crutch for a week now. I have taken to leaving one in the back of my car, and the other is near the front door at my parent’s.
I am still limping a fair bit as my knee is not quite right. Last Friday, I walked to the pub in record time (10 minutes), and when I got there, a friend of Danny’s who I have met before asked about my leg. I told him about my knee, and before I could say anything, he was feeling my thigh and knee. He proclaimed that it was some ligament / tendon type thing. It turns out he is a chiropractor, and he was used to feeling up people, although, I doubt I looked like the happiest of customers. I needed a couple of half shandies to take away the mental anguish. On a less homoerotic note, I am now walking around like John Wayne. Well, it’s either that or I am walking around like a serial self defecator. I prefer the former.
2 1/2 days of work before a well earned break (forgive the pun).
I have added another of my weight charts to show the relative qualifying performances of the F1 drivers for tomorrows race. From the looks of the weights, Hamilton, Sutil and Raikkonen have all gone for the glory of Pole Position. While that might be good for Saturday, when you look at the weights of the other drivers, you can see that only these 3 will be on 2 stop strategies.
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Here is one of my fantastic charts showing the grid positions and weights for todays Belgian GP.
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It has been a few days since I updated this. There has been a huge development since my last posting. I have had a haircut. No longer will I be forced to push it behind my ears, or make sure it is not sticking up at the back!
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For a while Gina has been asking me to sort her PC out. She has had problems accessing PayPal and eBay from her PC. It is ok from Hugh’s laptop on the same network, but not from her PC.
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Since my last posting, not much has happened.
Of importance to me is of course that Schumacher has been confirmed for Ferrari to replace Massa. Rumour has it that there is already a beach towel on the top step of the Valencia podium…
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We did pretty poorly at the Kozi quiz. 4th place with 55 points.
The other big news today is that Schumacher is being evaluated to see if he is fit enough to replace Massa. I am hoping he is, and that he ruffles Kimi Raikkonens feathers a bit. Kimi is a driver that has never (to me at least) excelled in an under performing car. When it is good, he is good. When it is bad, he is worse.
I sticked it back from the Kozi to Mum and Dad’s. It was 0.26mile (0.42km), and did not take too long. My hands did not hurt more than normal, and my leg was fine. Roll on Monday 24th August.
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