Medical Update
I have not posted for a few days due to my impending visit to the Fracture Clinic. I arrived there at 2:30pm (thanks Dad), and was told to go and wait outside X-Ray. That was good, as that meant that there was no waiting to be done in the first waiting area. I was there for 25 minutes, and was called into the X-Ray room. I donned a smock, and removed my jeans (damn rivets). I posed for 3 pictures, and then was given a card and went straight to the Sub-Wait area. There was only one person waiting to go into one of the consultancy rooms. A few people left, and I was called into the room. I was slightly apprehensive, as there was a lot riding on this visit.
The Consultant asked me how long it had been since the surgery, and I replied that it was nearly 14 weeks. He said that they had done a good job! He then said that I should come through and look at the X-Ray. I was worried at that point, as the last time I was called through, it was to see how my bone hadn’t healed. This time however, he showed me that the bone had fully healed, and compared to the first X-Ray, there was a massive difference.
We then went back to the room, and I asked him a few questions. This is how the conversation went (roughly) :-
Me :- So Doctor, when can I put full weight on my leg?
Doctor :- Now.
Me :- Am I ok to fly to China?
Doctor :- Yes.
Me :- So Doctor, when can I drive?
Doctor :- Now.
That was the jist of it really. He said that flying, I should take an asprin starting the day before I fly to when I get back. This is to prevent DVT. I suggested wearing my DVT stockings, and he said that was a good idea. For the driving, he suggested starting off with short distances, and then increasing the distance. Travelling to Longbridge is mainly M40/M42, so not much braking to be done there.
He has referred me to the Physiotherapy Department so that they can assess my leg. I went to the Physiotherapy Department, and I have an appointment in 2 weeks time. Once I got back to Mum and Dad’s, I did away with one of my crutches immediately. I also did an 800m walk (my revised route) with only one crutch. My leg did not hurt at all, it was my left arm that was a bit sore. A few more days walking, and I will be using my arm less and less.
Overall, a very good day. It has been a long 3 months…
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