First Day at the Office
I was woken up at 5:20am by Dad shouting that it was 5:20am, and was I getting up. I shouted back, that, no, I was getting up at 5:30am. Of course, I did not get back to sleep, and the alarm went off at 5:30am.
I was woken up at 5:20am by Dad shouting that it was 5:20am, and was I getting up. I shouted back, that, no, I was getting up at 5:30am. Of course, I did not get back to sleep, and the alarm went off at 5:30am.
Gina and Mum went into Stratford today to book their trip to India for my cousin Stephanie’s wedding. I asked them if they could get some ankle / wrist weights for me. I want to use them to build up my strength in my leg before I put full weight on it.
I planned to get up at 7:30am this morning. However, I got a phone call at 7:20am, and was on the phone for 20 minutes. That then put me back a bit. I checked my emails, so that put me back more, and then I missed my chance in the bathroom. I got downstairs for 9:00am.
Yesterday, I had decided that I would go to my apartment to make sure all was well. I could not connect to my VPN, so I knew something was up, it was just a case of finding out whether it was electrical or internetal. So, I was up earlyish, and had my normal breakfast, and then Dad took me to the apartment at around 10:45am.
I managed to get up and down for breakfast by 9:45am. I got all the stuff through fairly quickly and ate. I finished one Suduko, and then did my exercises.
Again, as the title says, it is 5 weeks today since the surgery. More exercises done, and hopefully closer to a full recovery. It is 3 weeks tomorrow that I go to the hospital for further X-rays to see how the bone is healing. My scar has been a bit sore today, but massaging it seems to have helped it.
I was home alone today, and so breakfast took a bit of time to take through into the dining room. I had the usual Weetabix, and drank the milk from the bottle, (no one will ever know…). I did my post breakfast exercises, and relaxed in the chair for a while. Before I knew it, it was lunch time, so I made my way to the kitchen.
Late up this morning. I had nothing planned for today, so there was no rush to get up. Breakfast was the usual Weetabix and milk.
I was up and breakfasted by 9:45am this morning. I did the difficult Sudoku in the paper, and was ready to leave at 10:15am. Mum was ready as well (luckily, I was sat down at the time).
We set off for Rugby, and went down the Fosse Way. It was a sunny drive, and not too much traffic on the roads. I was interested to see what progress had been made on the Rugby Western Relief Road.
A lazy morning, with me getting up lateish, and getting down for breakfast at 10:00am. I had a couple of weetabix, a glass of milk, and a banana and strawberry smoothie. I skyped Ma Yan, and at 10:55am Dad went off to take Gina and Danny to Birmingham Airport for their week long break to Tunisia.
Bob showed up today just before 10am. Then Tony texted me to say he was on the way up from his medical. Tony brought in 4 bags of Cheese and Onion Walkers Crisps. I always liked Tony.
Then, Renney and another chap from work turned up!
Bob stayed until around midday, but the others left at 11:30 to get a taxi back to the office.
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