Well. Here we are, 2 years on from the break. I am still in China, and my leg is becoming less of an issue every day now. I have started walking up the stairs at work rather than using the lift, as much to lose weight as to improve my leg. Read more…
Well, it was 12 months ago today that I had my little incident. How things have changed. Read more…
I have not posted for a few days due to my impending visit to the Fracture Clinic. I arrived there at 2:30pm (thanks Dad), and was told to go and wait outside X-Ray. Read more…
Since my last posting, not much has happened.
Of importance to me is of course that Schumacher has been confirmed for Ferrari to replace Massa. Rumour has it that there is already a beach towel on the top step of the Valencia podium…
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Not too late up this morning. Breakfast, sudoku, exercises as per normal. I sat and checked the internet (it is still there), and sorted out some paperwork.
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Getting up was harder today. I must have been tired after yesterday.
Today was a good work day though, with plenty to do and some actual design work as well!!
Nothing much else to report. Just eating, sticking, eating, sticking, eating, exercises, bed.
I was up later than normal today. I did not sleep so well last night. I think I will be ready for tomorrow’s early get up. Time will tell.
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Gina and Mum went into Stratford today to book their trip to India for my cousin Stephanie’s wedding. I asked them if they could get some ankle / wrist weights for me. I want to use them to build up my strength in my leg before I put full weight on it.
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Today I am just going to reflect on my recovery. I am getting bored of the whole “Got up, had breakfast”. I am sure anyone else who reads this feels the same. It was when I was lying in bed about to write this that I decided to change the style of this post.
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The alarm went off at 7:00am this morning. I gunned the laptop into life, and realised that the internet was not working. So, I got up and showered, and then went downstairs. Mum and Dad had not even got up! So, I got all my breakfast things together, including a glass for my milk, and I think I embarrased them into getting up. Whilst eating my Weetabix, Dad restarted the router.
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