I got some memory for my laptop this week, and downloaded the Release Candidate for Windows 7. I installed the memory this afternoon, and it all works well. Except that 32 bit versions of OSes cannot address the full 4GB. It has to address memory for the graphics card out of 4GB, as that is the 32bit limit. The version of Windows 7 I have downloaded is the 64bit version. That can address 4GB with no problem.
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On the way home in torrential rain, I got a text from Gina saying that there was a BBQ at the field, and that Mum was picking me up at 6pm. I replied that it was raining abit, and she replied that it wasn’t at the field.
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After doing a good 4 hours at work, I was fairly tired… Danny popped in on his way home from his morning / early afternoons sporting events (disc golf, adventure golf, boule(?) and pool). He thanked everyone for their presents and cards, and then he went back home to change, and Mum and Dad went to Sainsburys.
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I got back from work at 5:45pm, and got changed. Gina picked me up at 5:55pm, and we went off to the Thai Elephant in Warwick for a meal. It is Danny’s birthday on Friday, and his mum came along, as well as a friend of Gina’s.
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It was a bit of a disappointing race for English supporters. 18th for Hamilton was not the comeback that was promised yesterday, and 5th for Button was not so good either. However, for Webber, it was a fantastic day, and weekend! He has been plugging away for 8 years, threatening the top spot. I remember him coming 5th for Minardi in 2002 at the Australian GP in his first ever race.
Tyres seemed to be a problem for the Brawn team, and one can only hope that Hungary is much hotter than Germany, and they can get some heat in the tyres.
Jenny and Joe were out with Mum and Dad during the GP, and they came back later for some food. I also spoke to Alan. He is back and is going to give me a lift. However, he has had his hours reduced to 40 per week, so it looks like I will be doing the same. It does mean I get an extra 30 minutes in bed in the morning though.
My first Saturday since starting work, and I woke up at 6:30am. I checked the weather forecast, and it said it was raining. Not good, as Dad was moving the Ferguson 35 to the tractor shed at the field. A friend was going to bring his trailer over, and wasn’t going to do it in the rain.
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This morning I was very tired when I woke up. Probably because it is the first week I have done at work. Anyway, Dad picked my up at 12:00pm, and I was glad that it was not 5:00pm again.
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Getting up was harder today. I must have been tired after yesterday.
Today was a good work day though, with plenty to do and some actual design work as well!!
Nothing much else to report. Just eating, sticking, eating, sticking, eating, exercises, bed.
I was woken up at 5:20am by Dad shouting that it was 5:20am, and was I getting up. I shouted back, that, no, I was getting up at 5:30am. Of course, I did not get back to sleep, and the alarm went off at 5:30am.
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Gina and Mum went into Stratford today to book their trip to India for my cousin Stephanie’s wedding. I asked them if they could get some ankle / wrist weights for me. I want to use them to build up my strength in my leg before I put full weight on it.
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