Ma Yan arrived back with my Jeans and walking boots just after 8am. I had to sign some documents for my discharge, and got my X-Rays and all the blood test results. I waited for a while, and then put on my clothes. It felt very strange to be wearing proper clothing, but in a good way. I then sat on the sofa with my rucksack ready to go. I had to sign some more papers detailing the cost of the stay in hospital. Total cost is 188,534.67 RMB, so around £18000!
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The flight nurse came in again today. It seems like she will be the one to accompany me all the way to Mum and Dad’s in Warwick. She was just checking on how mobile I was, and basically giving me a final check to say that she thought I was ok to fly.
We also discussed arrangements for tomorrow. The final decision is as follows:-
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I did a few more trips to the chair for a read, and a bit of computer time. I zimmered about a bit as well, and on one of my zimms I spoke to the mother of the lad in the next bed. It turns out that she knows Renney! It is a small expat world out here. (That is for you Mum)
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The insurance company’s agent, International SOS have just been on the phone with me. They have been told I shall be discharged on Wednesday after I have my stitches taken out!! I have discussed this at length with the ISOS person, and I have said that I would rather remain in hospital for 24 hours after the stitches have been removed, just in case of any issues.
The logistical problems I can see are:-
1) I have to go to the visa office in person to retreive my passport.
2) Virgin flights to the UK leave Shanghai at 9:20am, so I have to be at the airport at 6:20am
3) I have no clothes here at the hospital to wear to be discharged.
If I am discharged on Thursday, I will need to go to the Visa office the same day to collect my passport, and then go on to Diamond Court to pack my things. I will then stay one night at Diamond Court, and get taken to Pudong Airport for my flight.
I have just spoken to one of the GP’s here, and she says that she is quite happy to say about having 24 hours observation after the stitches are removed.
So being discharged on Thursday, means arriving in Warwick on Friday afternoon / evening.
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