Fantastic Friday (possibly).
Up this morning for the usual Weetabix and milk. My plan was to sort all the papers that were at the apartment and also some that Tracey had brought over. I actually managed to get it all sorted whilst skyping as well!
Up this morning for the usual Weetabix and milk. My plan was to sort all the papers that were at the apartment and also some that Tracey had brought over. I actually managed to get it all sorted whilst skyping as well!
I woke up this morning fairly early. Not quite as early as yesterday. I looked at the internet, and the blog stats. Plenty of graphs there to look at. I got up around 9am, and had a shave. I used Dad’s shaving foam, as mine ran out in Shanghai.
I went downstairs using my crutches rather than arseing it. Much easier than I thought, and quicker as well. Once downstairs, I had 2 Weetabix™ with milk but no sugar, and a glass of orange juice. I have said it before, my body is now a temple.
Read more…
This afternoon was relaxing. Mum and Dad left for the field just after 3pm, and I was alone in the house. I sticked to the toilet, and marvelled at the joy of not using a bedpan. Gina turned up at around 4:30pm, and I showed her my X-rays. It seems I am an X-ray attention whore. I would probably show the postman if I could get to the door quick enough…
Mum and Dad came back at 5pm, and Gina went off for a meal with Danny. The rain eased off a bit in the evening, and the roofs were drying out. Steak and chips for tea tonight, and then Mum and Dad watched a DVD of a BBC TV programme called “Outnumbered”. Not bad really. I am feeling a bit tired after yesterday’s so I won’t be late to bed tonight.
Ma Yan arrived from work at about 5:40pm. Not long after, Nigel turned up after having cycled in from his apartment. I was on the phone with International SOS when he arrived, (more of which later). Then my tuna salad arrived. Then Jamo and Tracey appeared. Bit of a roomful!
My call was not a particularly good one. International SOS will deliver me to Warwick Hospital A&E, so that I can be seen by an Orthopedic Surgeon. Based on his thoughts on my mobility, I might not be allowed to go to Mum and Dad’s. I am not going to be very happy after travelling from Shanghai and then going straight to the hospital. As it is A&E, and not an appointment, I will have to wait until a surgeon is available. Friday is looking like being a very long day.
Bob arrived at 10am for a visit. Whilst he was here, the surgeon assistant arrived to change my dressings. Bob and I chatted with him, and he said that I need to come back here 4 weeks after the surgery for an X-Ray. This is to see how the bone is healing.
I told him that I was going to be in England when then was, and he looked thoughtfully at me and said, “I think they can take X-Rays in England.” I was very relieved to hear that! He also confirmed about taking the stitches out on Wednesay.
Bob was saying that he was going to the Shangri La hotel for Sunday brunch this coming weekend, as it had been so good on a previous occasion. Prawns as big as your hand, was one of the comments he made.
I zimmered about after lunch, and sat in the chair reading “Sigh for a Merlin” by Alex Henshaw, about his role during the war of being a Spitfire test pilot. I have only just started it, but so far, so good.
I have skyped Hugh, Gina, Mum and Dad today, so everyone is fully up to date with all that is happening. Tonight, I shall just relax and read some more, and maybe watch some tv online.
Malc has just left after a quick visit. I was Skyping Mum and Dad when he arrived, so I stopped the call with them. He is off to see how drunk DT is now.
DT turned up at around 3:00pm. Full of the joys of his new apartment. He has just been down for his results from Shanghai East. No problems for Dave.
Bob showed up today just before 10am. Then Tony texted me to say he was on the way up from his medical. Tony brought in 4 bags of Cheese and Onion Walkers Crisps. I always liked Tony.
Then, Renney and another chap from work turned up!
Bob stayed until around midday, but the others left at 11:30 to get a taxi back to the office.
Ken popped in today after work for me to look at his laptop. He wanted me to show him how to use the website that I had sent him a link for. It is a Chinese website, but you can watch films, and TV pogrammes from around the world on it.
Ken’s biggest problem is the number of viruses on his laptop. It runs quite slowly, but it runs really hot as well!
Hopefully, he can use the website now.
Nige cycled in this morning.
Looking the picture of health that anyone over 40 who has just ridden a bike for 30 minutes can look…
He brought in some fruit of course, plus a bag of kettle crisps. My body is a temple, so none of that deep fried rubbish for me. Well, not yet anyway.
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