
Posts Tagged ‘Work’

2 Years on

May 15th, 2011 2 comments

Well. Here we are, 2 years on from the break. I am still in China, and my leg is becoming less of an issue every day now. I have started walking up the stairs at work rather than using the lift, as much to lose weight as to improve my leg. Read more…

Categories: General, Recovery Tags: , ,

40th Birthday!! (Danny, not me)

July 17th, 2009 No comments

After doing a good 4 hours at work, I was fairly tired… Danny popped in on his way home from his morning / early afternoons sporting events (disc golf, adventure golf, boule(?) and pool). He thanked everyone for their presents and cards, and then he went back home to change, and Mum and Dad went to Sainsburys.

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Categories: General Tags: , , ,

A Monday

July 13th, 2009 No comments

Alan picked me up at 6:50am. Went to work. Came back again. Went to bed.

Sometimes, there is nothing to say about a day…

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1 week to go…

July 9th, 2009 No comments

It is one week until my return to Warwick Hospital for the fracture clinic. I am hoping that all is going well, and that I will be given the all clear to start putting weight on my leg. Read more…

Categories: General, Recovery Tags: , , ,

7 Weeks ago…

July 8th, 2009 No comments

It is 7 weeks since my operation on my leg. It seems to be ok, even after 3 days in the office, and I get more of a workout there than at Mum and Dad’s. Things at work are ok, and there is plenty to be getting on with. Again, more comments about my hair today, including the comedy nickname of “Rapunzel”.

The Kozi Quiz was done, and with the help of Mum, Dad, Gina and Brian, we came second to the Shiraz Sisters. This time was a bit closer. We got 60 points, and they got 64. Danny only came in at the end, and missed all of the quiz. With his help we might have got enough to win, but who knows.

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The second day is always harder.

July 7th, 2009 No comments

Getting up was harder today. I must have been tired after yesterday.

Today was a good work day though, with plenty to do and some actual design work as well!!

Nothing much else to report. Just eating, sticking, eating, sticking, eating, exercises, bed.

Categories: General Tags: , , ,

First Day at the Office

July 6th, 2009 No comments

I was woken up at 5:20am by Dad shouting that it was 5:20am, and was I getting up. I shouted back, that, no, I was getting up at 5:30am. Of course, I did not get back to sleep, and the alarm went off at 5:30am.

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