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5 Weeks today…

Well, as the title says, it was 5 weeks ago today that I fell in the shower and broke my leg. As a celebration, I got up late.

I did pretty much nothing again this morning, however, there was a bonus with the new TV. By pushing the red button at 10am, I was able to watch the first practice of the British Grand Prix. Dad had gone out to get some clothes from Heaphies in Warwick, and came back around lunchtime. Mum then suggested that we go out for lunch to a pub in Halford.

It is about 40 minutes away from here, and is called The Halford Bridge. We parked up, and I sticked my way to the front door. There were some nice cobbles sticking out of the concrete to catch out the inexperienced sticker. Using my mastery in the way of the stick, I negotiated it and went through to the courtyard at the back. The first seat I chose was in the wind a bit, so we moved to another seat outside. This was much more sheltered, but the clouds looked ominous above us. The waiter said that he would let us know if there was a table free inside. Once our drinks had arrived, (Guiness for me, Hook Norton for Dad, and a Ginger Ale for Mum), he came out and told us that there was a table inside should we want it. Supreme sticking was in order as I negotiated the cobbles, and the people in the bar that did not move their chairs to let me through.

I chose the Beef and Lamb Burger, which came with Chips. When it arrived, the chips were proper chips. Not french fries, but proper thick cut chips. Mum and Dad both had the beef sandwich. Dad’s was un-toasted, Mum’s was toasted. We then had some freshly made horseradish sauce delivered to the table. It was pretty good, with a bit of bite to it, but not too strong that you could not appreciate it. The meal was superb, and the service was equally good. The waiters were attentive, but not pushy, and everything was served perfectly. Well worth a trip.

I then negotiated the people in the bar, (slightly fewer then as it was getting later), and traversed the cobbles. We went outside, and Mum suggested we went to see a couple of friends of theirs who have a farm shop and plant centre just outside of Long Compton. The name of it is Wyatt’s Farm Shop They have plenty of plants, pots and general gardening things there, plus it has a butcher, and a cafe. Mum says that they produce their own ice-cream from their herd of cattle! I did see a few people necking down some ice-cream when we got there. Of course, the owners were not there, so Mum bought a couple of birthday cards, and we left. That took a good 15 minutes though… As we made our way down the road, I realised that we had come out of Warwickshire. I hadn’t been prepared for that. Usually, I like to know well in advance that I am leaving my home county. Anyway, here is a picture of a Warwickhire sign, so that those who are not aware of the “Bear and Ragged Staff”, can gaze in wonder at it.

Warwickshire Sign

Warwickshire Sign

Back home, and I made a few calls. By the end of those, it was 6:00pm, and time for some more nose bag. I had a glass of red wine, (the first in 4 months), and it was a good one. Dad could not remember the name of it, so I will have to hunt the bottle down tomorrow. Mum and I had a glass each, and Dad managed to have the rest.

I completed my Sudoku that I had started this morning after breakfast, and then sat down to write this and prepare to watch QI on Dave.

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